Andy Hay RSPB Images
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | Glen Clova
This project aims to promote the populations of wading birds (including lapwing, oystercatcher, redshank, snipe and curlew) in the Glen Clova area by protecting the high quality breeding habitat found there. Recent surveys show 230 pairs of birds using the area. This is a decline from the 390 pairs recorded in the last survey in 1996. However, Glen Clova remains one of the most important sites in Tayside for these birds. Information collected from surveys will be complimented by conservation work on the ground, including providing advice to land managers on habitat management and targeting agri-environmental schemes.
What changes can people expect to see in the catchment as a result?
Wader habitats, including wetland and wet grassland areas will be retained and enhanced, maintaining the nationally important wader numbers in Glen Clova. As bird numbers increase there will be greater opportunity for people to enjoy these valuable species.
What benefits do the works have for the catchment, the local community, biodiversity etc.?
As well as increasingly local biodiversity, retaining and/or creating wetlands on the floodplain will help with natural flood management in the catchment.
How are you involving the local community?
Farmers and landowners have received results from the survey and advice is available on managing land for waders through a new agri-environment scheme.
How does your work link in with other activities in the catchment?
The project works closely with other initiatives in the area to ensure wader breeding habitats are retained, as sensitive wader fields can be affected by land management activities such as tree planting.
Time scale
Surveys were carried out in 2012 and 2014. Advice will be provided to land managers on an ongoing basis.
The work is fully funded by the RSPB.
How the work fits with local and national policy
This project supports national efforts to protect and promote rare species. The wader species found in Glen Clova are listed as Birds of Conservation Concern: lapwing is on the red list, while curlew, snipe, redshank and oystercatcher are on the amber list.
Waders are considered a National Priority in the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) Agri-environment Climate Scheme (AECS).
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