Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brianscott/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Scottish Wildcat Action | Angus Glens
This project aims to protect the rare and iconic Scottish Wildcat population in the Angus Glens. This will be achieved by monitoring wildcat populations to inform conservation approaches, promoting land management actions that are beneficial to wildcats (e.g. wildcat friendly predator control), and promoting responsible cat ownership within the local community. The Angus Glens (including South Esk) are one of the best areas in Scotland for wildcats. Maintaining a strong population is key to halting and then reversing the decline of this unique animal.
What changes can people expect to see in the catchment as a result?
Scottish wildcats, although a hard species to spot, will become a more common sight in the area. There will also be an increase in their preferred habitat, woodland edge.
What benefits do the works have for the catchment, the local community, biodiversity etc.?
The project will increase the overall welfare of cats in the Angus Glens by both promoting a healthy wildcat population and lowering the number of feral or hybrid cats, which are often diseased and/or under-nourished.
How are you involving the local community?
A drop-in event was held in summer 2014 before the project began. The local community will be engaged through similar local events, local media, training events for volunteers, and as a contact for reporting sightings. Landowners will be involved directly by developing wildcat-friendly predator control and wildcat habitat.
How does your work link in with other activities in the catchment?
This project operates throughout the north westerly section of the River South Esk Catchment. Wildcat-friendly woodland management / establishment carried out by others could bring multiple benefits. Wildcat friendly predator control could also be encouraged through the Scottish Rural Development Programme.

Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brianscott/
Time Scale
The project will run from May 2015 – April 2020
The work is funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
How the work fits with local and national policy
The Wildcat Conservation Action Plan has been developed within the following policy context, Scottish Biodiversity Strategy, Wildlife Management Framework, Scottish Forestry Strategy, Scottish Rural Development Programme and the Land Use Strategy.
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