Angus Council | Brechin
This project aims to increase the level of flood protection around Brechin, protecting residents and safeguarding businesses. The scheme is designed to provide protection up to a ‘1 in 200 year’ level.
What changes can people expect to see in the catchment as a result?
1.5km of flood embankments and walls will be installed along the north bank of the River South Esk from the Inch to the East Mill Industrial Estate. The walls and embankments will be up to 1.8m high. Where possible the flood embankments are being seeded with a wild flower seed mix and bird, bat and owl boxes are being installed to help improve habitats for local species.
What benefits do the works have for the catchment, the local community, biodiversity etc.?
As well as the increased flood protection, direct benefits of this scheme include: community involvement in designing five mosaic panels for the River Street wall; community/school involvement in installing bird, owl and bat boxes; and educational site visits by local schools. The project has also part funded a riparian and tree planting project on the upper reaches of the River South Esk.
How are you involving the local community?
Angus Council has engaged with landowners, statutory organisations and community groups in developing the design and during the construction phases of the works. This has been done through public exhibitions, newsletters, a community hub onsite, a website and a sounding group.
How does your work link in with other activities in the catchment?
The project works with local stakeholders where possible and regularly updates community groups with the schemes progress.

Time scale
Works commenced onsite in December 2014 and are due to be completed onsite by March 2016.
The project is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and Angus Council.
How the work fits with local and national policy
Flood protection is the primary policy driver for the scheme; however, enhancement to the community is being incorporated into the plans when possible.